DSMP - character context
READ THIS BEFORE WATCHING!! it's context for SEASON ONE of dream smp, and the stuff you'd need to know before you start watching.
(Because Dream SMP often references people or events from the minecraft community to build it's roleplay, there's a lot of things about characters that new viewers simply wouldn't know.)
Leader of the Dream Team. famous for "Minecraft Manhunt", a series where he tries to beat Minecraft while on the run from other players. He tries to stop the fighting on the server, but he also enjoys starting fights for fun.
Dream's "friend" who is often missing during key events.
A very skilled fighter who enjoys fire and pet murder. He has just burnt down Ponk's prized lemon tree, though, and now Ponk and Alyssa are fighting him.
PHILZA MINECRAFT, or just PHIL, is Wilbur Soot's father. He is famous for his five-year-long hardcore world. He's very good at the game. He and Technoblade have conquered entire nations together as an unstoppable power duo (often called the Blood God and the Angel of Death). They founded the Antarctic Empire on SMP Earth, and ruled their lands with an iron fist.
A pig (literally) who is famous for his PVP skills. He is considered to be the greatest Minecraft fighter, ever, and he beat Dream in a duel for $100k. Many Minecraft players invoke his name like jesus in their times of need. It's said that he never dies.
is Wilbur Soot's son, and his mother is a salmon named Sally. (It's okay to be confused about this... everyone else is). He's mischievous, a trait commonly associated with foxes.
used to run a business empire built on scamming. He went to war against Technoblade at one point. His most prized possessions are his music discs, which he likes to listen to with his best friend, Tubbo.
is a a boy doing his best to do what's right. He was found by Philza on the side of a road in a box at a young age. Tubbo became as close as brothers with Tommy, and they've been inseparable since. Tubbo's parentage is unknown (although CaptianSparklez claims to be his father).
is a famous businessman and a childhood role model of Tommy's. Wilbur and Tommy call him to be their endorsement during the L'manberg 2020 Elections.
is a half-enderman hybrid with severe short-term memory loss. He came with the sole purpose to run and get elected, but he quickly made friends with his competition. In order to remember the things he's done, he writes them in a journal.